What if we just acknowledged that we have a bad relationship,and we stuck it out, anyway? What if we admitted that we make each other nuts, we fight constantly and hardly ever have sex,but we can't live without each other, so we deal with it? And then we could spend our lives together --- in misery, but happy ⋯⋯ to not be apart. from Eat,Pray,Love 這是出自原著的一段話,寫得太寫實太貼切... 運用在自己和交往四年的男友身上,每個狀態都是符合的... 我想我愛他,但不足以讓我們快樂.... 他口口聲聲告訴我我們雖然現在不快樂,但不代表所有時刻都不快樂,而且有時候有快樂的時刻,正因為他要我緊緊記著那些快樂的時刻,即使那些快樂已停留在過去,寧可不要分開,倘若分開,我就像一個叛徒一般.... 摩天輪很美....但總該下車了....夠了...也受夠了...